Summer on the Short Bus got a lot of positive reviews from bloggers and authors I admire and I'm very lucky to interview the author here today. Let us all welcome, Bethany Crandell.
About Writing:
While you were in the process of writing this book, have you ever doubt yourself or second guess the reason why you are writing this story? If yes, how did you overcome those obstacles?
I didn’t have any doubts about this book until after I wrote it. And even then I didn’t doubt the work but whether or not it was a story people would want to read. The querying process (both in finding an agent and a publisher) is one of the most humbling, skin-thickening experiences I’ve ever faced, and when the rejections started piling up it definitely took a toll on my confidence. Still, I knew deep down I loved my story even if nobody else did--that was enough to keep me showing up for more the next day.
About Getting Published:
As an aspiring author, hearing about how authors got published is always fascinating and inspiring for me. So can you tell us your journey to publication? And what was the first thing you did or said after you got the news about the book deal?
Like most authors I know, my journey involved a lot of crying, praying, threatening and drinking. (You’d be surprised what someone will agree to publish when you leave a ransom note for their cat. #kidding) I don’t remember the specifics of what went down right after I got the official “offer”, but I assure you there was a lot of squealing, ugly/happy crying, dancing celebrating involved.
About Being an Author:
Tell us what it's like to be a published author? What was your most favorite moment in this whole experience, aside from seeing and holding a physical copy of your book?
It feels exactly like my pre-published life; except there are more dirty dishes sitting in the sink at the end of the day. Not sure what that’s about….
My favorite moment so far would have to be the night my ARCs arrived in the mail. My sister and I sat on my front porch stoop, each armed with a glass of champagne, and laughed at how awesome and ridiculous all of this was.
About the Book:
Just like superheroes, I think it's safe to say that books also has an origin story before they became what they are right now. It might started out as a thought, an experience, a dialogue you heard, a conversation with a friend, or an idea that has been plaguing your brain for quite sometime. So tell us, what's your book's origin story? And what made you decide to write it?
I have no idea where it came from, but my book evolved from a title I couldn’t seem to shake, THE SHORT BUS FOLLIES. I knew I had to write it when the voices in my head (the characters) became too loud to ignore.

About the Author:Bethany lives in San Diego with her husband, two kiddos, and a chocolate lab who has no regard for personal space. She’s slightly obsessed with John Hughes movies, avocados, and inappropriate laughter. She’s represented by Rachael Dugas at Talcott Notch Literary Services.
Title: Summer on the Short Bus
Genre/s: YA, Contemporary Fiction
Publisher: Running Press Kids
Publication Date: April 1, 2014
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Spoiled, Versace-clad Cricket Montgomery has seventeen years of pampering under her belt. So when her father decides to ship her off to a summer camp for disabled teens to help her learn some accountability, Cricket resigns herself to three weeks of handicapped hell.Her sentence takes a bearable turn as she discovers the humor and likeability of the campers and grows close to fellow counselors. Now, if she can just convince a certain Zac Efron look-alike with amazing blue eyes that she finally realizes there's life after Gucci, this summer could turn out to be the best she's ever had.Summer on the Short Bus is a very non-P.C., contemporary YA with a lot of attitude, tons of laughs, and a little life lesson along the way.
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