Q. Hi Gretchen, can you describe Get Even in 5 words to our readers.
"Breakfast Club with body count."
Q. How different is your upcoming book from the last 3 books you wrote?
GET EVEN is more mystery/suspense than my previous books which skewed toward horror. It's also a hell of a lot funnier than my horror novels, which was so much fun to write.
Q. What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing Get Even to life?
The biggest challenge was the size of the cast. There are four main characters, each with their own POV, and each with their own set of friends, love interests, and families. I think there's something like 50 names characters in the book, and getting the most important ones to feel fleshed out and "alive" was a huge challenge!
Q. There are four main characters in your book - Kitty, Olivia, Margot and Bree. Which one of them do you like most? And why?
That's like asking me to pick my favorite child!!! They all have loveable aspects, but I suppose if I have to choose, I'd say Bree because her best friend/love interest is sort of based on my husband. J
Q. The four girls are members of a secret society called, DGM, that takes revenge on bullies. What's your stand on the subject of bullying?
I feel sorry for both sides: the bullies and the victims. Clearly, the bullies themselves have some major issues in life—a subject I address in the sequel GET DIRTY—that's causing them to victimize others. That said, I think we all wish we'd had a secret revenge society in our school looking out for us. The trauma of bullying can stick with you for a lifetime.
Q. What is your favorite scene in Get Even? Can you tell us without giving a spoiler?
My favorite scene comes early on—it’s a revenge mission against a bullying teacher names Coach Creed. I actually read that scene in a vlog that Epic Reads will be posting this month!
Q. This is the first book in your very first series, Don't Get Mad. What excites you about this new project?
I love the possibilities. With a large cast, I can see so many places to take the series if I'm lucky enough to be able to write more books.
Q. Can you share a one-liner from your book that will pique our interest?
From Chapter 1: "If Kitty had ever doubted that Coach Creed needed his ass handed to him, he was making it real easy for her to get over it."
Author Bio:
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Author of YA horror novels POSSESS, TEN and 3:59 (Fall 2013) as well as the upcoming YA mystery/suspense series Don't Get Mad, beginning in 2014 with GET EVEN and continuing in 2015 with GET DIRTY. Gretchen also contributed an essay to the Dear Teen Me anthology from Zest Books.
Gretchen is a former coloratura soprano, the voice of Mary on G4's Code Monkeys and she sings with the LA-based circus troupe Cirque Berzerk. Gretchen blogs with The Enchanted Inkpot and is a founding member of the vlog group the YARebels. She is repped by Ginger Clark of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Get Even sounds really awesome. And if you think so, too and is thinking of pre-ordering it, Gretchen has a treat for y'all. Click here to know more about
Gretchen's giveaway.
Also, Gretchen gave me some signed book swags for y'all, my awesome blog readers. This is international and will end on September 19.