Hey guys, I'M BACK!!!
Did you miss me? No? Oh, common! I know you missed me. No? Really? Not even a tiny bit? Okay. *head and shoulder slumped*
Well, that's too bad because I missed you guys so much!
Anyway, it's been a while. How have you been? I'm sorry if I haven't updated you guys on what's going on and also, for the unplanned hiatus. It's a necessary sacrifice in order for me to focus on my life and I know you understand that.
The good news is, I now have a job as an IT clerk in our local government and so far, I'm enjoying it. I've also written a lot of new reviews after my review slump, two of which were already posted this week (Seven Wonders Journal and Stolen Songbird). There's more to come, so watch out for that.
You'll definitely be seeing me a lot from now on. So even if you didn't miss me, (which I'm still bummed about, btw) I'll make you happy that I'm finally here again.
Ciao! for now... :)