Author Bio
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L.M. Augustine is a YA romance author who is obsessed with writing about dorky teenagers, love, and happy endings. He currently lives in New England, where he spends far too much time reading books and screaming at his computer, and he believes that the solution to the world’s problems can be found in chocolate cake. Click To Subscribe is his first novel.
1. What is your favorite color? Blue for sure.
2. Favorite food? I'm a big fan of mashed potatoes. They go with well everything, in my opinion.
3. Favorite movie of all time? Oh this is a tough one! I guess maybe The Godfather? I'm not a big movie watcher.
4. Favorite song? Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips.
5. Favorite book of all time? I can't possibly choose just one! I have too many favorites. But I think The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma, and Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver would be near the top.
All about Writing
1. How did your interest in writing originate?
I've always loved to read, so I think my love of writing just sprung up from there.
2. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I write part-time, so I'm always working during the days and writing in the early hours of the morning. :-)
3. Do you work with outline or just write?
I just write. I usually have a vague idea of where I'm going, but I can't ever do a full outline.
4. What was the hardest part in writing your book?
The easiest? The easiest was the dialogue. I felt like Cat and West's banter flowed really easily and really well as I wrote. The hardest part was capturing his grief over his dead mom.
5. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Reading! :)
Finish the sentence
1. The difference between fiction and reality is fiction is usually more honest.
2. Research is what I'm doing when I have a very complex book to write.
3. I can write better when I've had a lot of coffee to drink.
4. Sleep is an excellent way to waste precious writing time :P.
5. A room without a book is a room that has a problem.
Title: Click to Subcribe
Genre/s: Young Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Self-Published
Date Published: May 9, 2013
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1,135,789. That’s how many subscribers sixteen-year-old West Ryder has on his web vlog series. But he only has eyes for one of them.
As one of the internet’s most prestigious video bloggers, West talks about high school relationships under the name “Sam Green.” As far as he knows, no one from school, not even his best friend, Cat, has seen his videos. But the highlight of the whole thing is Harper Knight, who comments every day at exactly 2:02 in the afternoon. He doesn’t know anything about her aside from the occasional deep philosophical messaging on why pizza tastes so delicious, but as stupid as it sounds, he might be falling for her. So when they finally agree to meet in real life, West’s hope for romance seems more and more in reach. But that all changes as soon as he arrives at their meeting spot and sees Cat walking toward him, wearing the same “I <3 nbsp="" span="" style="background-color: white; color: #181818; font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19px;">Sam Green” T-shirt Harper promised she'd have on.3>
To his alarm, West realizes he is falling in love with the best friend who has always been a sister to him.

Title: Two Roads
Genre/s: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Self-Published
Date Published: August 26, 2013
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The only person poetry-loving Cali Monroe hates more than herself is Logan Waters, the geeky kid who lives in the dorm building next to hers.
Ever since Cali's parents told her she would amount to nothing, she has felt entirely inadequate. Friendless and alone, she takes on the mean girl role in hopes it will make her feel better--and Logan serves as the perfect target. He infuriates her with his obnoxiously long lashes, his all too perfect dimpled smile, and his complete lack of personality outside of his intelligence. It doesn't hurt that he's part of the reason her brother is dead, either. So Cali hates him, and he returns the favor. Thus, their prank-filled, insult-driven rivalry is born, and torturing Logan quickly becomes the highlight of her life.
But when Cali's parents set them up on a blind date, she begins to realize Logan might not be as boring as she always thought. He shares her love of poetry, takes a sadistic pleasure in making fun of crepes, and he makes her blush when he calls her smile pretty.
And hey, maybe those long lashes of his aren't that obnoxious after all…
Two Roads is New Adult Romance about finding love, standing out, and learning to embrace who you are. It contains some language and mild sexual content.